In terms of the Guideline for Environmental Management Programmes, 2005 released by the Department of Environmental Affairs, an Environmental Control Officer (ECO) should be employed by the Project Proponent (Developer or Applicant) for the duration of a development/construction project. The ECO provides feedback to the Project Manager regarding all environmental matters. Contractors are answerable to the ECO (or Project Manager, depending on contractual arrangements) for any non-compliance with mitigation measures as stipulated by an approved Environmental Management Plan and/or License to perform specific activities.
The ECO must be competent in the field of environmental management and hold at least one related qualification pertaining to interpretation and implementation of South African environmental laws, conservation and environmental management. The appointment of an ECO is the responsibility of the developer at the inception of the construction phase, thus the site establishment stages of a project.
Auditing of activities on-site and reporting thereof to the Project Management team and the regulating Authority forms the key purpose of the Environmental Control Officer. From residential developments to mines, the construction of bridges to the installation of civil services, one of the largest mixed-use developments in modern years in South Africa and most recently, a wind farm in the Western Cape, Prism EMS is guaranteed to have the experience necessary to provide the ECO service any client could require.